Marine Corps League Middle Peninsula Detachment 1317 is honored to be the birthplace in West Point and resting place in Saluda of Chesty Puller
The program was created to support injured Marine Corps personnel located at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC, Brooke Army hospital in San Antonio, as well as the Naval Hospitals at Balboa, Camp Pendleton and elsewhere. The Wounded Marines Program works closely with the Wounded Warrior Regiment. The scope of support encompasses; financial support, visits from Marine Corps League members, off site day trips to include family outings, dinners, short trips in support of the individual Marines’ needs and professional sporting events as tickets and opportunities present themselves.
The League developed and administers a program that provides a physical fitness regimen that promotes a healthy, drug free life style for elementary and high school students.
A youth program emphasizing honesty, courage, respect, industry, loyalty, dependability, and a sense of devotion to God, country, community and family. The Young Marines program receives funding from Congress and the United States Marine Corps primarily because of their drug interdiction focus on drug education and prevention.
Members of the Marine Corps League fund scholarships through donations from individual members and subordinate units of the Marine Corps League and Auxiliary. Children and former Marines are eligible for academic scholarships for attendance at accredited colleges and universities.
The Marine Corps League sponsors three Marine Military Expositions each year. “Modern Day Marine” is held aboard MCB, Quantico and is the premier military equipment, systems, services and technology exposition. “Marine West” is held aboard MCB, Camp Pendleton and showcases the latest technology and prototypes aimed at preparing today’s Marines for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. “Marine South” held at MCB, Camp Lejeune, serves Marine commands from Camp Lejeune, MCAS Cherry Point and New River, showcasing the latest innovative displays, trailblazing computer simulations and state-of-the-art technology systems and equipment designed specifically for the U. S. Marine Corps.
The Marine Corps League is a member of The Military Coalition and participates in National and State legislative issues that affect military readiness, benefits and entitlements of active duty personnel as well as Veterans Benefits programs effecting former and retired Marines.
The National Headquarters retains a full-time staff member who assists veterans in adjudicating claims against the government as a result of active duty service. Claims are processed through the Department of Veterans Affairs or other appropriate agencies of the federal government.
Marine Corps League members contribute thousands of man-hours each year supplementing staffs at VA Hospitals and facilities in providing morale, comfort and assistance to institutionalized veterans.
The Marine Corps League Auxiliary was chartered on September 4, 1937 as a subsidiary organization of the Marine Corps League. The Auxiliary was formed: To Preserve the traditions and promote the interests of the United States Marine Corps; To maintain true allegiance to American institutions; To hold sacred the history and memory of the men and women who have given their lives to this Nation; To perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts, to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines; To create a bond of comradeship between the Auxiliary and the Marine Corps League; To aid voluntarily and to render assistance to all Marines and former Marines as well as to their families; To help decorate the graves of all deceased Marines whenever and wherever possible.
The fun and honor society of the Marine Corps League.
Marine Corps League Detachments in nearly every community take part annually in the United States Marine Corps Reserve Toys-For-Tots campaign to raise funds and collect and distribute toys to needy children. In communities where there is an existing Marine Corps Reserve Unit, the League works hand in hand supporting their campaign. In other communities, the Marine Corps League takes the lead, ensuring a successful campaign.
Members find the Marine Corps League’s National Convention an opportunity to be a part of the decision making process, attend the several training classes offered at Convention, learn more about the operation and functions of the League as well as ideal vacation venues for themselves and family members. Held in a different city each year, many families attend year after year and particularly enjoy the many planned activities and tours related to these get-togethers. Members find the camaraderie offers them the chance to meet new people and renew old friendships. Attendance at National Conventions has grown to an average of between 800 and 1500 members and their families.
The Marine Corps League is a charter member of The Military Coalition, The National Marine Corps Council, AdHoc Committee, Navy and Marine Corps Council, the National Veterans Day Committee, and is represented on countless committees and programs serving the military and veteran community.
The League participates in patriotic functions such as the National Memorial Day Parade and the National 4th of July Parade in Washington as well as countless statewide and community parades around the country. We provide representation to the U.S. Congress in legislative matters affecting the United States Marine Corps, national security and veteran’s benefits through our National Legislative Committee. Most importantly, Marine Corps League Detachments are actively involved in Community based programs throughout the country.
The front and back of Detachment challenge coin.